
The profession of flight attendant is not, of course, the only one that has its own peculiar language; every job does.  Working with four other students, create a situation in which a number of people with different jobs/professions might be talking in a group:  a traffic accident, a community meeting, a home and school meeting, etc.  Be very specific about the nature of the situation.  Each of the group members should privately select a profession and take a day or two to think about and/or research the kind of language people in that profession use.  When the group next convenes, get into role and discuss the chosen situation with the others.  Remember, you have an opinion to express but you also have to respond to the others in-role.  Try not to stereotype.  After the exercise, see if the others in the group can guess your role.  Did you feel you were convincing in your role?  When did you find it most challenging?