
Work with two other students on this game.  You may use dictionaries.  Play “stink pink” with the following definitions.  Check with your teacher for correct answers.  How many of the words in the rhyming answers can be found in this story?  How many more stink pinks can be derived from words in this story?


  1. the coat of an animal that can be apprehended by touch (past tense)
  2. a large group who suffer from tedium
  3. a simian form
  4. one who is or thinks she/he is very good at something (slang)
  5. language used by water-dwelling, blood-sucking worms
  6. rather vulgar victuals
  7. a voyage by water in a boat
  8. a large swallow of some liquid
  9. a blind fury occasioned by being enclosed in a small, wire container